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5 Reasons To Hire A Recruiter

Imagine this scenario: Your company has a job opening that needs to be filled. It has been more than sixty days and the job is still vacant. You’ve spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars posting and advertising this position online and yet the only applications you have received is for candidates that do not qualify for the position. You may begin to wonder, why did they even apply for the role in the first place? You are frustrated and have lost time and resources without results.

Believe it or not, that scenario is a harsh reality for some companies. It can be quite challenging to fill an open role, especially one that requires specific skills and experience. So what is the problem? You may be asking yourself: Is the job description not appealing? Am I marketing the position to attract attention? Is the job description scaring off potential applicants? Whatever the reason is, a recruiter is the solution. Here are five solid reasons to hire a recruiter for your next job opening...

1. Saves you time. Rather than spending countless hours reviewing resumes, screening candidates, interviewing, and contacting references you can spend time on more important projects. Unless your job title is “recruiter”, “staffing manager”, “human resources coordinator” or other hiring roles, you should spend your time doing what you were hired to do! If you’re a business owner, small or large, do the tasks that are most profitable and leverage the less profitable items to those who do it for a living.

2. Receive higher quality candidates. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression: “It’s not about what you know, it’s who you know.” Recruiters know the candidates that are worth knowing. Imagine interviewing the perfect candidate, in fact your recruiter set you up with multiple perfect candidates. You didn’t have to sit through time-wasting interviews with candidates that really didn’t fit. Why? Because your recruiter took the time to learn about your company, study the role, and diligently select candidates that they know will qualify for the position. All you have to do is meet with them. It’s like eating a 5-star meal without having to cook!

3. High quality marketing. When your position is handled by a recruiter, it’s marketed rigorously in several ways. Recruiters have access to high level advertising systems to spread the position to as many potential candidates as possible. Our positions will be found on CareerBuilder, LinkedIn, and Indeed, just to name a few. Your position will be shared internally with thousands of our associates, giving it as much reach as possible. Recruiters will allot a budget dedicated to marketing your position for maximum exposure. In addition to this, all of our new and existing job-hunting candidates will be made aware of your position. With the growing effectiveness and popularity of social media, a tech-savvy recruiter will also make sure that your position is being advertised on the major social media sites like Facebook and Instagram where it could find itself being shared and receiving many inquiries. Obviously, recruiters take marketing to the next level. 

4. No upfront costs. By far, this is one of the coolest parts of using a recruiter. No upfront costs means that you don’t pay for the recruiter’s services unless they deliver! The first thing that may come to your mind when you see the word “recruiter” is “No way! I can find a candidate for my position for free without worrying about a fee.” Perhaps you can, I don’t doubt your ability. But, think for a second here! Why do it alone? A recruiter will not charge you a dime until you agree to hire the candidate that is presented. This means that you can continue your search for the best candidate while the recruiter does the same. A good recruiter should find a solid candidate before you do, if they don’t then you pay nothing! Sounds fair, doesn’t it?

 5. It’s our bread and butter (literally): Most, if not all recruiters receive commission for each position that is filled. So being quite frank, money is a huge motivator! Every week that your position goes unfilled is another week that your recruiter doesn’t get paid. With that kind of skin in the game, you can trust that your recruiter is hungry and filling your position is their number one priority. It is their bread and butter! Otherwise, they don’t “eat”. Don’t you want someone like that working for you?

Think back to the scenario we opened with. After trying on your own (and reading this article) you decided to hire a recruiter. What happened next? Your recruiter got to work immediately. They marketed your position, scoured through resumes, screened and interviewed dozens of candidates, and sent you four amazingly qualified candidates. You interviewed them, selected the perfect person, and they start next week.

Stop imagining! This situation happens all the time, I know from experience. If you’d like this scenario to be your reality, after considering these 5 reasons, hire a recruiter! You will be glad that you did.